How To Stay Safe from Wild Fire

Staying safe from forest fires requires awareness, preparedness, and proactive measures. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to protect yourself and your property:

  1. Stay Informed: Monitor local weather forecasts, fire danger ratings, and any wildfire alerts issued by authorities. Sign up for emergency notification systems to receive timely updates about fire risks in your area.

  2. Create Defensible Space: Clear vegetation and combustible materials from around your home to create a defensible space. Maintain a buffer zone of at least 30 feet immediately surrounding your house, free from flammable debris, shrubs, and trees.

  3. Prepare an Emergency Kit: Assemble a comprehensive emergency kit containing essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, medications, first-aid supplies, clothing, flashlights, batteries, and important documents. Keep the kit easily accessible and ready to grab in case of evacuation.

  4. Develop an Evacuation Plan: Plan and practice evacuation routes from your home and neighborhood. Identify multiple escape routes and rendezvous points with family members. Have a communication plan in place to stay connected during emergencies.

  5. Stay Vigilant: Be observant of signs of wildfire activity, such as smoke, unusual odors, or ash falling from the sky. Report any suspected fires to emergency services immediately and avoid approaching or attempting to extinguish wildfires on your own.

  6. Limit Outdoor Activities: During periods of high fire danger, avoid activities that could spark fires, such as campfires, outdoor grilling, or using power equipment like chainsaws and lawnmowers. Respect fire bans and restrictions implemented by authorities.

  7. Be Prepared to Evacuate: Have a "go bag" ready with essential items including medications, clothing, important documents, and valuables. Keep vehicles fueled and positioned for quick departure if evacuation orders are issued.

  8. Stay Connected: Maintain communication with neighbors, friends, and family members to share information and support each other during wildfire emergencies. Stay tuned to local news and official sources for updates and instructions.

  9. Protect Your Health: During wildfires, avoid exposure to smoke and ash by staying indoors with windows and doors closed. Use air purifiers or filtration systems to improve indoor air quality. If outdoors, wear masks rated for particulate matter to reduce inhalation of smoke particles.

  10. Follow Authorities' Instructions: Heed evacuation orders and follow instructions from emergency responders and law enforcement personnel. Cooperate with authorities to ensure your safety and the safety of others in your community.

By staying informed, prepared, and vigilant, you can reduce the risks associated with forest fires and increase your chances of staying safe during wildfire events.


  1. - Ready for Wildfire
  2. - Firewise USA®
  3. - Wildfire Safety
  4. - Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19